
Get Fit 24 7: Your Ultimate Guide to a Healthier You

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Hey there, fitness friends and newcomers alike!

Let’s talk about something that most of us are thinking: get fit 24 7.

For many this sounds like something extremely hard, hours in the gym, eating green food, and a strict schedule.

But what if I told you that achieving your fitness goals, it’s possible and yeah it is hard, but not quite as you think.

We’ve all been there – making New Year’s resolutions, I’ll start Monday, the first of the month.


Sounds familiar?

So, I am asking you: why getting fit and staying healthy is a source of stress for you?

It should be a priority, it should be your main goal.

Man, what is the most important thing in the world, if not your health?

I am sure you’ll agree with me, so stop treating your fitness like a second job.

Act like this is your ultimate goal.

I’m sure that you have questions like “How long does it take to get fit?” or “How to get motivated for fitness?”

These are valid questions, and guess what?

Fitness is a personal journey and looks different for everyone.

I have only one answer: It is going to take all your life!

How does this sound to you?

I find it cool, I want to be fit and healthy all my life.

Isn’t it the same for you?

Understanding Fitness

Before we dive into squats, push-ups, salads, proteins, and sunrise jogging, let’s understand what I mean by getting fit.

I’m sure that all you think is about building muscle or losing weight.

But it is more than that; it’s about how you feel, stronger, energized, and happier.

It involves these three important aspects: physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

What Does It Mean to “Get Fit 24 7”?

What is fitness?

I compare it with something hard that empowers me to live my best life.

It involves finding a balance to make healthier choices and joy in moving your body.

It doesn’t matter what kind of training you do.

It can be dancing at home, hiking on a trail, or lifting in the gym.

For me, it’s a life changer!


How Long Does It Take to Get Fit?

Ah, the million-dollar question!

Here’s the deal: we are all different, it depends.

It depends about what is your level, which are your goals, and how involved are you.

From my knowledge, everyone wants that magic pill to do the work for us.

I tell this to all people, those who say that do 4 weeks of this and you’re going to rock, are lying.

You know that kind of fake advertising.

For some people, they will start to see changes after a month, while for others, it might take a little bit longer.

And that’s okay!

Your road is about building habits that will last for a lifetime.

Remember, every step forward is progress.

So, how do you stick with it, especially on those days when the couch seems way more appealing than a workout?

Let’s talk about motivation.

Staying Motivated

Finding and keeping your motivation can be tricky, but it’s not impossible.

Here are a few tips to keep you inspired:

  • The key to success is to set small, achievable steps.
  • Find your ”why” and remember why you started.
  • Mix it up, by trying more than lifting weights, try running, and functional training to keep things interesting.
  • Get a buddy for training. Always find one that is motivated and focused, to keep you fully engaged.

Setting Realistic Goals

First things first, let’s set some goals.

But not just any goals—realistic ones that won’t make you feel overwhelmed.

Here’s how:

  • Be specific and instead of ”I want to get fit 24 7” try ”I want to make 100 push-ups a day”.
  • Make it measurable by tracking your progress.
  • Ensure that what you set up for is achievable and relevant.

What I mean by this, is try not to set something like: I will run 5 kilometers a day if you hate running.

You get the point.

Creating a Sustainable Routine

You have to be patient.

If you’re new start with a 15-minute routine, and increase it gradually.

Could you include routines in your daily activities?

You can take the stairs instead of the elevator, and do a set of squads while watching the news.

Treat your workouts like important meetings, by scheduling them.

Some of the days won’t be the same.

Be kind and adapt and if you missed a workout, squeeze into a walk.

How to Get Motivated for Fitness

Motivation can be as elusive as a sock in the laundry—here one minute and gone the next.

I personally don’t relay on motivation.

I focus on the goal, I focus on pain from my life, and I use it as fuel.

Here are a few ways to keep that fitness motivation high:

  • Imagine how will you feel after reaching your goals. Use that image over and over again.
  • Reward yourself for hitting your fitness milestones. Treat yourself to a good dinner at the end of the week.
  • Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Instead of thinking, “I can’t do this,” try, “I’m getting stronger every day.”

Time Management for Busy Schedules

Time is precious, and there never seems to be enough of it.

Here’s how to make room for fitness in your packed schedule:

  • Just like you make time for meals or sleep, fitness needs to be a non-negotiable part of your day.
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT), for example, can be done in 20 minutes and burns a ton of calories.
  • Got 10 minutes before dinner is ready? Do a quick workout. Waiting for laundry? Time for some squats!

Home Workouts

Your living room can be your personal gym.

Seriously, you don’t need fancy equipment to get a good workout:

You can do push-ups, sit-ups, and lunges with ease, and quite in your room.

You can find tons of free resources online, whether you choose yoga, HIIT or something else.

Involve your family and chase your kids in the yard or dance in the living room.


Outdoor Activities

Mother Nature offers the best workout settings, and they’re absolutely free:

  • Get outside the house as much as you can, in the park for a walk, or in the neighborhood.
  • Join a community who offer free fitness classes in the parks.
  • Ride a bike which is great for cardio and has a low impact on your joints.

Eating for Fitness

You don’t need a complicated diet to see results.

The best friend that you have is water.

It keeps you hydrated and helps digestion, so don’t neglect it.

Drink a minimum 30 milliliters per kilogram.

Focus on food that comes from earth, vegetables, fruits, grains, and nuts.

I eat also eggs, meat, and almost everything but balanced with salads.

how-to-get-motivated-for-fitness (2)

The key is to have a diverse menu not to make a diet to stress you.

Don’t eat fried food and be careful with sugar.

Remember, you’re not a professional athlete, but use with moderation processed food, sweets, and junk food.

I eat on Saturday junk food and something sweet.

The Role of Rest and Recovery

Rest is not laziness; it’s a crucial part of getting stronger and fitter.

Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep, giving your body time to recover.

Don’t push it with exercises and get 2 days off on week.

Introduce stretching in your routine to relax your muscles.

By eating well and giving your body the rest it deserves, you’re not just getting fit; you’re taking care of your overall health.

Now, let’s wrap things up.


Conclusion: Your Journey to Fitness

There you have it—your guide to fitting fitness into your life, no matter how busy you are.

Remember, you’re not perfect so try to make better decisions more often, but also be kind to yourself.

Discipline is the key to everything in life.

So, what are you waiting for?

Lace up those sneakers, grab a water bottle, and take that first step towards a healthier, happier you.

And remember, I’m cheering for you every step of the way!

I’d love to hear about your fitness journey!

What’s worked for you?

What challenges have you faced?

Share your stories in the comments below.

Let’s inspire and support each other in our quests to get fit and stay healthy.

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