
What Foods to Avoid When Building Muscle

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Hey there, maybe you’re wondering what kind of stuff you need when hitting the gym, besides working out.

It’s not all about lifting weights, it’s also about eating right.

Nutrition is the baseline for fitness in general, and it is very important to know what foods to avoid when building muscle.

And maybe you’re interested in what foods to avoid when building muscle and losing fat at the same time.

Depending on your goal, you have to have a balanced diet to help you get stronger and leaner at the same time.

Some of you may be asking: Does building muscle burn fat?

You must know that the answer is definitely yes.

So, yes as a man who wants to build muscle, you have to be careful what you put on your plate.

In this post, I’ll try to give you some tips about what food can sabotage your mission.

We’ll talk about sugar, snacks, and processed food.

Understanding the Basics

Do you know what macronutrients are?

If not, you will find out now.

I’ll explain it to you in the most simple way that I can.

No matter what goal you have, you have to know about what protein, carbohydrates, and fats you need.

However, your efforts can be undermined if you’re not careful about the foods to avoid when building muscle.

So, these are the macronutrients that you’ll need:

  • Proteins are the most important for muscle repair and growth.

By this I mean that is essential to consume high-quality protein and avoid the low-quality which may contain fats and additives.

  • You’ll need a source of fuel and energy.

This is the role of carbohydrates.

However, choosing the right carbs is crucial, because the bad choices have sugar added and highly processed.

This may cause fat gain, and you don’t want that.

  • Fats are very underrated.

They are vital for your health, but the bad fats from junk food have saturated fats which can do more harm than good.

Foods to Avoid When Building Muscle

Caloric Surplus for Gaining Muscle

First thing first, you have to consume more calories than you burn.

But be careful, you don’t have to eat as much as you can.

The secret lies in choosing the nutrient-rich foods that support muscle growth.

Otherwise, you will gain muscle, but also fats.

And you don’t want that.

So you better run away from sugar treats or fried snacks.

These are foods to avoid when building muscle and losing fat.

Does Building Muscle Burn Fat?

Yes, and here’s why.

Muscles burn more calories than fats.

When you increase your muscle mass, you boost your metabolism, and you’ll burn more calories throughout the day.


Foods to Avoid When Building Muscle

Now I will talk about specific foods to avoid when building muscle or losing weight.

  • High-sugar food

These are the most dangerous foods for your body, no matter if you work out or not.

There are no benefits to it.

Avoid as much as you can sodas and sweetened beverages.

I call this empty calorie.

But they will help with something.

Guess what? Gain fats. LOL.

Do you like sweets and candies? Me, too.

Forget about them as much as you can, or taste some just Saturday.

  • Alcohol is the enemy of your body, slowing down the protein synthesis which is essential for muscle repair.

Your testosterone level decreases when you drink alcohol.

  • Deep-fried and processed food is another set of enemies for your muscle growth and also for your health.

So, start to avoid fast food, snacks, chips, and ready meals. They can be full of additives and unhealthy fats.

You may find this article useful:

The Misleading “Healthy” Foods

When you’re focused on foods to avoid when building muscle and losing fat, it is also important to watch out for food that seem healthy but they’re not.

I’ll give you some examples of this kind of food.

  • Protein bars can contain a lot of added sugar or corn syrup.
  • Smoothies bought from stores can contain a lot of sugar and calories.

Check the labels always, and it is better to make it yourself.

  • Flavoured yogurts can be deceptive and make you fatter than you think.

My advice is to get Greek yogurt and add fruits.

This way you’re sure of getting the right ingredients.

  • Alternative healthy diary doesn’t mean that they are indeed healthy.

Most of the plant-based milks and yogurts add extra sugar and unnecessary calories.

Even healthy food marketing can be problematic.

Always understand labels and avoid hidden traps.

Practical Tips to Manage Your Diet

When you choose this path of eating healthy to build muscle and lose fat, remember that it can be tricky.

Read food labels carefully, the fewer ingredients the better.

If you don’t understand what contains, it is simple.

Don’t buy it.

Replace processed food with whole foods.

Here is an example: choose sweet potatoes instead of fried option, or replace white bread with whole grain.

Choose the good protein, instead of fatty processed meat, choose lean meats, fish or plant-based like quinoa and lentils.


Also, prepare your healthy meals, so you know what you’re eating instead of grabbing snacks.

Understanding which foods to avoid when building muscle and losing fat is crucial.

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Navigating your diet to build muscle and lose fat, it is a thin line between doing the correct choices.

It is not only about building muscle, it is about being healthy overall.

It is a lifestyle, which includes discipline and of course, self-love.

When you love your life, and you want to make good and healthy choices for yourself, it is essential to understand what involves.

It is not about the foods to avoid when building muscle and losing fats, it’s about your well-being.

So leave excuses and give it a try.

After 3 months of doing this, I promise you that you’ll feel that kind of eating is normal and requires a minimum of effort.


Why should I avoid sugar when building muscle?

Sugar is the enemy of gain muscle. You will for sure gain fats instead.

How does alcohol affect muscle growth?

Alcohol reduce the protein synthesis and the body recovery. It also bad for sleep quality and recovery.

Are all fats bad for muscle building?

Not at all. Trans and saturated fats are bad, but if you go with avocado, nuts and fish your body will thank you later.

What are some examples of low-quality proteins I should avoid?

Low-quality protein include the processed meats, so you should choose instead lean meats, fish, eggs or plant-based proteins.

Can I eat high-fiber foods while building muscle?

Yes you can, but don’t over use them because they will reduce nutrients absorption.

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